Coffee Bags are a packaging essential as they inform a retail customer what they're buying. Not sure what you need to include on your brand new custom coffee bags? Check out what our team has to say:
Make sure your bags are USA FDA compliant (especially if your long-term plan is to get into grocery retail shops). Have the following on the lower third of your front panel of either your packaging or label:
  • The phrase: Net Weight or Net Wt.
  • Net weight being indicated in both ounces and grams
  • Indicating: Whole Bean Coffee or Ground Coffee
What else needs to be included on your coffee bags?
  • Make sure to have your full address indicated on your back panel
Have more questions? Contact the Savor Brands team and we'll work with you through the whole process to ensure your new packaging is not only beautiful but also FDA compliant. Our team is dedicated in preparing your packaging for success!

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