
Coffee Packaging Research

Savor Brands takes coffee extremely seriously. When you work with us, we understand our role as caretakers of your coffee and brand. Our innovations in custom coffee packaging have garnered multiple awards and are on full display with the many brands we serve. We are the OGs in the tricked-out coffee bag and view copycats across the industry as a form of flattery. In addition to helping your product look good, we also pride ourselves in being able to provide the best support possible in answering any packaging questions you may have as it relates to coffee. Marc Marquez, Director of Coffee and Resident Q Grader leads in-house research out of our certified SCA Training Campus. He has conducted research on various packaging structures and how shelf life in each structure effects coffee sensory over time. We also collaborate on research with industry partners like the Specialty Coffee Association, Coffee Science Foundation, and Coffee Sensorium. There is nothing more powerful when key stakeholders of Specialty Coffee are aligned together towards discovery for the sake of sharing knowledge and elevating the industry. Reach out to us with any questions about our research!

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