The very first step is knowing which print process to choose. Here at Savor Brand we offer two types: 1. Digital 2. Rotogravure Both print print processes are great options for custom coffee bag packaging and we're here to help guide you towards the best print option for your business needs!

What is Digital Printing?

Digital printing provides flexibility and fast lead times. Here is a breakdown of what we offer: Low MOQs - Minimum order quantities start as low as 2,000pcs per SKU Lead Time - Every digital order is air shipped to door - Lead time is 5-7 weeks (this includes production time + shipping to door) Customization - Digital printing allows you to create unique and personalized designs without the worry of plate charges - You can print on all panels of your chosen bag style - Bag dimensions are FIXED and not customizable How do you know if digital printing is a good choice for you? Here are some questions to consider:
  • Are you testing a design or product?
  • Need something with a quick turnaround time?
  • Looking for something with a low order quantity?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, Digital may be a great fit for you!
Big Island Coffee Roasters coffee cup (Hawai'i).

Big Island Coffee Roasters coffee cup (Hawai'i).

We spoke with our partner, Kelleigh Stewart from Big Island Coffee Roasters to learn a little bit more about their experience with Digital printing:
How did you decide Digital was the right print process for you? The MOQs with digital gave us the ability to do smaller runs and collaborate with local artists without a list of color plate charges. In other words, we love the flexibility and minimums. What was your experience like, working with the Digital print process? The color matching process has been different from rotogravure, but the Savor team has been professional and proactive in solving issues. The packaging quality is fabulous, too! Anything else you'd like to share? We've used Savor for 10+ years and love them! Packaging quality has been reliable, and the team has always been attentive. We receive discounted offers from other packaging companies almost weekly, but the Savor team is unmatched - they know the coffee industry and small business through and through. Wow! Mahalo, Kelleigh for sharing your experience! If you find yourself in a similar position to Big Island Coffee Roasters then definitely explore Digital printing as an option.
Big Island Coffee Roasters Team (Hawai'i).

Big Island Coffee Roasters Team (Hawai'i).

What is Rotogravure printing?

Rotogravure printing (roto for short) is the most stable and cost-effective print process for volume printing. Here is a breakdown of Rotogravure printing: MOQ - Minimum order quantity of 10,000pcs per SKU Lead Time - Lead time is 9-11 weeks (this includes production time + shipping to door) - Order is shipped via ocean Customization - You're able to fully customize your bag dimensions down to the millimeter - Plate charges are incurred - Typically, 1 color = 1 plate/cylinder Rotogravure printing is great if you have solid branding and know you’re not going to change your design in the upcoming years. Why is that important to know? One of the main benefits of rotogravure is the cost savings you’ll receive with every subsequent order after your initial order. After your initial order, you will not need to pay for additional plate charges unless you plan on making changes to your design. However, plates need to be used annually to ensure proper maintenance. In the long term, rotogravure printing will be more cost-effective over the digital process and you will see more cost savings.
Nostalgia Coffee Roasters (California) coffee bag.

Nostalgia Coffee Roasters (California) coffee bag.

We spoke with our partner Taylor Fields from Nostalgia Coffee Roasters on why they chose Roto over Digital:
How did you decide Roto was the right print process for you? I didn’t know anything about roto printing bags until we met you all at Savor. I remember the first conversation we had with the team and remembering wow they really have the same exact vision for sustainability, and caring about people and the earth as we do. And so, we really put our trust and faith in Savor and I have to do that as a founder, and you know sometimes you learn hard lessons and other times like this relationship, it has opened new doors for us. It has launched our business, sustained our business, and pushed us further in newer better ways. So, the first time around we went with kraft and then we switched to polyester. The reasons why we went with roto was simple. The consistency, the vibrant color I’m looking at right now at our bag is absolutely gorgeous and the detail is exquisite. For us, the brand and our brand colors, our bags are the representation of everything that goes into that coffee, all the way down to the person opening it at home. And so, we made the initial investment although a little expensive up front and a little bit more time. We made the investment so that our bags will actually be cheaper than digital printing and more consistent, more bright, and going for that elegant style that we go for and it just nailed it. The price per piece is really important too as we are able to sell our bags at a more competitive price point even though our mission is working with producers to ensure our producers receive a thriving rate for their coffee and paying on average 2x the fair-trade price last year. Most consumers will then think the bags gotta be really expensive but we are able to compete with national brands because roto gave us the ability to have a much less costly 12oz bag that is more beautiful, consistent, brighter than anyone else’s bag. I am looking at the bag right now and am still so obsessed with it. I think those are some of the reasons, the fine details, the pantone color we are able to use and I believe we had to switch to pantone C which is so vibrant. Love it!
Savor Brands with Nostalgia Coffee Roasters (California) owner: Taylor Fields.

Savor Brands with Nostalgia Coffee Roasters (California) owner: Taylor Fields.

What was your experience like, working with the Roto print process? The experience was fantastic. Savor walked us through the whole process and even got us a proof and helped us move from kraft to polyester to further our sustainability initiatives and to make sure our bags are gorgeous. From sending a proof and samples, from start to finish, phenomenal! This bag truly helped us with investments into the company, has won us new clients and customers. Our producers are thrilled when they receive one of our bags. I say our, Savor and us because it was a team effort. So, the process was great! Anything else you’d like to share? I would like to share the fact that anyone that is considering to go with roto or whether or not to go with Savor. The answer is yes and yes – go with Savor and go with roto. In the long run, you will save a tremendous amount of money and you will be able to keep your costs low and be able to pay your producers higher and charge customers lower and have a more precise and brilliantly colored consistent bag from a consistent experience that is phenomenal. Yes, there is a bit more of a start up cost and it is well worth it. And I could see why digital may work if you’re short on budget or need something quicker but if you have the time and a little bit extra capital for the start up costs, it’s going to be great in the long run. I am a huge proponent of it. I LOVE SAVOR. Everyone knows that. A huge thank you to Taylor from Nostalgia Coffee Roasters for sharing your thoughtful tips and valuable insight.
Taylor Fields cupping coffee.

Taylor Fields cupping coffee.

Here are some additional things to think about:
  • What is my deadline?
  • How many coffee bags do I project to sell this year?
  • Where do I plan on retailing in the near future?
  • This will help determine bag dimensions
  • How colorful will my design be?
Regardless of the print process you select, your coffee packaging will be printed beautifully and made with premium materials to preserve your coffee’s freshness and extend shelf life. We partner with companies such as WIPF and Bedford who possess the same mindset we have: to never compromise on quality. When you work with us, you qualify to participate in our R+R® Program and Savor Live White Label App:
  • The R+R® Program was developed to make sustainability easy and efficient for everyone. We partnered with ByFusion to have all your packaging transformed into ByBlocks and given a second life.
  • Savor Live White Label App was developed with the latest cutting-edge technology to provide you with a platform to curate your very own brand experiences while keeping you and your retail customers at the forefront of technology. In addition to mobile ordering and payment functionality, Savor Live serves as a content delivery platform.
No matter which print process you select, we’re here to help you create the best packaging for you. Contact our team, if you’re interested in learning more about our R+R® Program, Savor Live White Label App, or want to start your custom packaging journey! **All images used with permission from Big Island Coffee Roasters and Nostalgia Coffee Roasters

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