Savor Brands has been the #1 go to for all food packaging needs in Hawaii over the last 22+ years. Including popsicle and ice cream bar packaging! Here are 3 easy steps to get started with your custom popsicle and ice cream bar packaging:
1. Mock Ups Are The Best Send over any mock ups or inspo bags showcasing the aesthetic or look you aim to achieve to the Savor Brands team. The team will provide guidance and feedback to ensure your design is not only production ready but matches your brand look and aesthetic. 2. Fully Customize Your Bag Dimensions We print fully custom bag dimensions for each individual partner's popsicle and ice cream bar packaging. Unsure of the right bag dimensions? Our team will work collaboratively with you to help aid you in selecting the right bag dimensions for your product. 3. Nutrition Facts and Labeling Compliancy When designing your packaging make sure to include the nutrition facts and label your product accordingly. The Savor Brands team will provide guidance to ensure your packaging is compliant for retail sale. 💡 Pro Tip: Need a box to hold all your popsicle and ice cream bars? Ask the team about our custom printed boxes! With over two decades of experience and having assisted many of Hawaii's local businesses, we're here to help you, too. Stop by our office in Downtown Honolulu for an in-person meeting or give us a call to get started.

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