Picking the right coffee bag dimensions is essential for not only branding but customer accessibility and usage. The size and type of your bag depends on factors such as:
  • Net Weight
  • Grind Type
  • Bag Style (that best matches your brand)
  • Material
Here’s how to find the perfect fit:
1. Determine Your Coffee Weight
Start by deciding how much coffee each bag will hold. Common Net Weight sizes include:
  • 4oz (113g) – Ideal for samples or single-serve portions.
  • 12oz (340g) – A standard choice for retail shelves.
  • 1lb (454g) – Popular among specialty coffee roasters.
  • 2lb (1kg) - Common offering for wholesale retail sales.
  • 5lbs (2.27kg) – Great for wholesale and bulk sales.
2. Choose Your Coffee Grind Type
When selecting your bag dimensions, keep in mind that whole bean coffee takes up more space than ground coffee.
3. Pick the Right Bag Style
Different bag styles impact size requirements:
  • Quad Seal Box Bottom/Flat Bottom Bags – Stand upright for better shelf presence.
  • Quad Seal V-Cut Bag - Ideal for the Flat Bottom look at a lower price point.
  • Side Gusset Bags – Sleek and space-efficient for larger volumes.
  • Stand-Up Pouches – Great for resealability and branding.
4. Consider Bag Material and Additional Features
When finalizing your custom bag, consider the effects of your selected material, for example: Kraft bags are stiffer and has less pliability than a matte material. Need help discerning which material would work well with your business? Give our team a call! Don't forget to also take into account:
  • Degassing Valve placement
  • Closure placements
  • Leaving space for branding elements such as labels
At Savor Brands, we offer two different print processes:
  • Digital Printing: We've simplified the bag dimension selection process and we provide to you a wide array of POPULAR bag dimensions for you to select from
  • Rotogravure Printing: This print process allows you to customize your bag dimensions to your exact needs. Get more out of your packaging by making sure you leave enough headspace to fit any larger coffee beans in the future.
Choosing the right coffee bag dimensions can be daunting but with the help of the Savor team, it doesn't need to be! Our team is here to help guide you every step of the way. Contact our team to get started today.

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